COVID-19 staff self-reporting
If you work for SMHS, you must access the SMHS COVID-19 Staff Reporting App and complete all fields as soon as returning a positive COVID-19 test result, even if continuing to work from home. Images of COVID-19 positive and negative test results can also be uploaded via the app.

This can be done quickly and easily on any computer or mobile device using your WA Health login details by either:
- accessing the link (external link)
- scanning the QR code (right).
A user guide (PDF 249KB) and FAQs (PDF 182KB) are available to help you. Please ensure you follow the steps outlined.
After you have self-reported you will receive instructions about the next steps, including return to work information which you must follow. The user guide (PDF 249KB) provides more information including further supports and contacts.
Important note
The new system does not replace the requirements to:
- notify your workplace of absences using current processes
- complete a leave form following your absence.
If you are unable submit your information personally
If you don’t have a mobile device or computer access, please contact your line manager so arrangements can be made for someone to complete the declaration on your behalf.
More information
If you need more information about self-reporting please contact your line manager.