GP Engage
Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group is committed to working closely with general practitioners (GPs) to:
- improve patient care as patients move between hospital and community care
- provide excellent service delivery.
Our GP Engage program events provide valuable opportunities for local primary care professionals such as GPs and nurse practitioners to learn about hospital priorities, processes and programs affecting shared care.
The events blend education, Q&A sessions and networking opportunities. Continuing professional development (CPD) content (self-logged) may be recorded after each event, with an attendance certificate provided.
To register interest in future events, please email SMHS Health Pathways.
Spotlight on mental health – Saturday 31 August 2024
Mental health services at Fiona Stanley and Fremantle hospitals provide evidence-based care with strong consumer and carer engagement to youth, adults and older adults.
Working collaboratively with GPs and community managed organisations is critical to supporting the long-term recovery of our patients. This event will:
- focus on the various mental health services available at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH) and Fremantle Hospital, including their community-based services which accept GP referrals
- include an educational component focused on best practices for prescribing medication to patients with mental health illnesses
- provide GPs an opportunity to receive training for the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support (IAR-DST) tool.
Topics and presenters
- Overview of mental health services at South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) – SMHS Executive Director for Mental Health and Transformation, Tim Leen
- Clozapine shared care model – Head of Service Mental Health, Dr Mitul Bhatt
- Drs for Drs – AMA Medical Director Dr Helen Wilcox
- Fremantle Enhanced GP Liaison – Team Leader of Enhanced GP Liaison, Ruth Pulley and Registered Nurse, Caitlin Cranny.
- Older Adults Mental Health Services: a case study and service options for older adults in the Fremantle Hospital catchment area – Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Jasdeep Gill
- Perinatal and Women’s Mental Health Services at FSH and FSH Cockburn Health – Clinical Lead, Psychiatrist Dr Felice Watt
- SMHS Specialist Community Eating Disorder Service – Kara Maar team
IAR-DST training
The IAR-DST tool provides a standardised, evidence-based and objective approach to assist GPs and mental health clinicians in recommending the most appropriate level of care for individuals seeking mental health support. The training will be delivered by the WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA).
Workshop 1:
- Introduction
- Development of the IAR national guidance
- Orientation to the domains, levels of care and the decision support tool (DST).
Workshop 2 includes an interactive training session and covers:
- Application of the IAR in assessment and intake settings (practical group activity using vignettes)
- Group discussion and reflection
- Clinical judgement and supported decision making, care preferences and care type.
GPs who complete the IAR-DST training will be remunerated $300 (with the exception of GPs already being paid for their time by a Commonwealth funded service, for example, Adult Mental Health Centre or Aboriginal Medical Centre).
Participants can earn 2 RACGP CPD points for IAR-DST training and 3 self-logged CPD points.
Event details
Date: 31 August 2024
Time: 8.30am to 3.30pm. Morning tea, a light lunch and a parking voucher for Car park 1 will be provided.
Venue: Education Building, Fiona Stanley Hospital:
- Presentations in Lecture Theatre G.2
- IAR-DST training in Seminar Room G.7.
See the Fiona Stanley Hospital map (PDF 1MB).
Parking: Parking vouchers for Car park 1 will be provided.
Review past GP Engage events
This event provided an update on: