Support our research
Since 1999, the Spinnaker Health Research Foundation (external site) has supported research in SMHS hospitals by awarding research grants and travel grants to our researchers.
The foundation invests in research that responds to the critical health needs of the south metropolitan region of Perth.
Please support our research by considering a donation or bequest to Spinnaker.
Recent grants
The foundation recently awarded 9 grants totalling $175,000, 8 of which were directed to leading researchers from Fiona Stanley and Rockingham General hospitals.
- Dr Andrew Fantoni, Medical Oncology Advanced Trainee, Fiona Stanley Hospital
From genomics to geography: exploring drivers of lung cancer treatment and outcome in Aboriginal and remote populations in Western Australia (Donor: Fewster Family)
- Dr Collin Chin, Consultant Haematologist, Rockingham General Hospital
Does the fitness of the immune system affect how blood cancers respond to effector cell therapies? (Donor: The Rotary Club of Fremantle & Attadale)
- Dr Marcus Voola, Audiologist, Fiona Stanley Hospital
Development of a novel objective method to program middle ear implants to optimise hearing for patients. (Donor: City of Cockburn)
- Nicole Catalano, Clinical Midwife, South Metropolitan Health Service
Pragmatic trial of lifestyle interventions to reduce Group B Strep colonisation in pregnancy. (Donor: The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation)
- Dr Andrew Redfern, Consultant Medical Oncologist, South Metropolitan Health Service
Exploring the benefits of drugs used to treat high cholesterol in breast cancer treatment. (Donor: Fremantle Hospital Ladies Auxiliary)
- Dr Tom Ferguson, Medical Oncology Consultant, Fiona Stanley Hospital
LuCape study: investigating combined PSMA-targeted radioactive treatment and capecitabine chemotherapy to improve advances prostate cancer care for men. (Donor: Austral company and staff)
- Prof Merrilee Needham, Consultant Neurologist, Fiona Stanley Hospital
Finding treatment that blocks damaging antibodies for autoimmune muscle disease sufferers. (Donor: SMHS Staff Giving for Spinnaker Grant)
- Dr Warren Pavey, Cardiothoracic Anaesthetist, Fiona Stanley Hospital and Heart and Lung Research Institute WA
Using mushroom extract (Ergothioneine) to protect hearts during transplantation. (Donor: Len and Fran Mihaljevich & David Clegg)
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Contact Spinnaker
Phone Spinnaker on 6152 6278 or email Spinnaker.
Spinnaker has offices located at Fiona Stanley and Fremantle hospitals.
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