Your rehabilitation team
When you are first admitted you will be placed under the care of a rehabilitation specialist and a multidisciplinary team of health professionals. As we are a teaching hospital, some of these health professionals will rotate to different areas and this may require a change to your team.
Working together, they will provide you with a rehabilitation plan and work with you and your support people to achieve your goals.
Your support people may also be part of your team, including being:
- asked to attend meetings, complete paperwork or assist in your care
- making your friends aware of your therapy times so they visit outside of these times, leaving you to attend all of your therapy sessions.
Your interdisciplinary team will include the following health professionals.
Your consultant rehabilitation medicine specialist will have the overall responsibility of managing your rehabilitation journey.
A registrar and intern, or resident doctor, will manage your day-to-day medical care while you are an inpatient.
You will be seen by your consultant at least weekly and the rest of the medical team as required.
Ward nurses will provide 24-hour care through ongoing assessment of your condition and general health including:
- support for normal bodily functions
- provision of medications
- assistance for self-care activities
- encouraging independence and providing education to you and your support people.
Your nurses will check on you at least hourly during the day and every two hours overnight.
Fiona Stanley Hospital supports a team nursing model where a group of nurses are assigned to care for a group of patients. This allows for the best care possible through a sharing of tasks and the pooling of skills.
A physiotherapist will help you reach your maximum physical potential by guiding you through a rehabilitation plan specific to your needs.
An occupational therapist will develop your skills and help you return to doing activities such as:
- self-care
- domestic tasks
- leisure activities
- employment
- parenting/family activities
- driving
- accessing community services.
They will also provide a range of equipment for your treatment and complete a home assessment to enable access to a safe home environment.
A speech pathologist will help you with any swallowing and communication or language problems you may have.
A dietitian will assess and monitor your nutritional status to aid your recovery and rehabilitation. They can provide advice on your nutritional needs and educate you on the most appropriate diet for your health and wellbeing on discharge.
A social worker will work with you and your support people to plan your discharge to a safe and appropriate setting. They can discuss discharge home with community services/ agencies or to alternative accommodation.
A clinical psychologist will help you and your support people understand and adjust to your physical illness by assisting with grief, stress, worry and mood.
A clinical neuropsychologist will provide assessments and treatment recommendations if you are experiencing difficulties with aspects of your behaviour and thinking abilities.
A pharmacist will check your medications and provide you with pharmacy advice on discharge.
If required, a prosthetist or orthotist will assist with braces and assistive devices.
Your key worker is your single point of contact within your team. They will introduce themselves to you and assist you to become familiar with the unit and the rehabilitation process. Whenever possible they will attend your meetings, including goal setting, and be available to explain these to you if needed.
They will also assist you to inform the team of your goals and expectations as required. If you have any questions regarding the rehabilitation process. please ask your key worker.
Other specialists and services can be provided when necessary to address your particular needs.