Your joint replacement surgery
You will have been advised of the date and other details of your joint replacement surgery at Fremantle Hospital.
On the day of your surgery, it is important you arrive at the hospital at the scheduled time. Read about coming to Fremantle Hospital.
You can also find out more about your hospital admission, including:
- what to bring with you
- where to go on arrival
- our admission processes.
Throughout the day you will move through several areas of the hospital. Each area plays an important role preparing you for surgery and ensuring you receive safe, quality care.
You can expect to be asked details such as your name, date of birth and what surgery you are having several times during the day. This is an important part of our safety processes.
For more information
Phone the Elective Waitlist Service on 9431 2117 between 8.00am and 4:00pm, Monday to Friday or email Fremantle Hospital Waitlist
Phone the joint replacement nurse on xxx or email the joint replacement nurse
The next step in your journey
Read about recovering after joint replacement, or return to Your joint replacement journey.