Dreamtime stories create cultural safe space in State Rehabilitation Service

During her lengthy stay at Fiona Stanley Hospital’s (FSH) State Rehabilitation Service (SRS), Ngaanyatjarra patient Prudence immersed herself in painting dreamtime stories passed down to her from childhood.
Prudence's artwork and stories now adorn the walls of the SRS, creating a culturally safe space for patients who are admitted from across the state.
Senior Social Worker and Aboriginal Health Champion, Ayla Walker, along with the SRS 2A team fundraised to purchase art and materials to enable patients like Prudence - who face lengthy admissions, are isolated or experiencing trauma - to benefit from art as therapy.
"Prudence was unable to leave the hospital or see family for many months but painting artwork that reflected her culture’s stories was a comfort," Ayla said.
"I assisted her to place paintings in her room and collect knitted quilts from the volunteers to help make her room more homely.
"Prudence also wanted to display her artwork and stories to support other patients on the ward who were far from home.
"I sat with her and helped transcribe these stories, so people could read the stories with the artwork, and we walked around the ward together so she could choose where she wanted them displayed," Ayla said.
Together, Prudence and Ayla have contributed to creating a culturally safe space that is warm and inviting within the SRS to welcome patients from across WA who often face lengthy admissions.
Additionally, Ayla has created a space in the SRS lounge for patients to engage in artwork during Reconciliation and NAIDOC weeks, and a number of these items completed by patients are now on display in the patient lounge.
Aboriginal Health Champions, like Ayla, walk side-by-side with the Aboriginal workforce to identify and implement culturally safe practices for Aboriginal patients, their families and carers and support people to help make 'Aboriginal health everybody's business'.
With the help of SRS, Prudence has now returned to be near family in Kalgoorlie while her beautiful legacy is left behind on the service's walls for patients and staff to enjoy.