Regional Anaesthesia Fellowships
Our Regional Anaesthesia Fellowship program is designed to provide experience in the technical skills and knowledge required to become future leaders in regional anaesthesia.
There is a strong focus on regional anaesthesia across both Fiona Stanley and Fremantle hospitals. Fellows will have the opportunity to learn and enhance their regional anaesthesia techniques across a wide range of surgical specialties, such as orthopaedics, plastics, vascular and general surgery, as well as options to gain experience in ophthalmology.
Some of the unique learning opportunities include regular allocation to a predominantly regional-only hand trauma list (ie awake hand surgery) at Fremantle Hospital, and provision of a regional outreach service to non-surgical patients (FROST).
There is a strong focus on education and teaching at FSFHG, and fellows are provided with regular protected clinical support (non-clinical) time for preparation of educational sessions, as well as for the completion of quality improvement and research projects.
Fellows will be involved in upskilling both registrars and consultants within the department and will participate in the Western Australian School of Regional Anaesthesia (WASORA) fellowship program with regional anaesthesia fellows from the other WA teaching hospitals (including a tutorial program to teach the fundamentals of regional anaesthesia).
By the end of their fellowship fellows should have a thorough understanding of:
- regional anatomy
- how to perform of a wide variety of regional techniques safely
- how to manage potential complications.
They will also learn how to set up a regional service, and gain the skills needed to safely teach and supervise others in performing regional anaesthesia.
Regional anaesthesia time will be balanced with service provision and afterhours requirements.
We offer four 12-month Regional Anaesthesia Fellowship positions per year.
Fellowship Supervisors: Dr Sam Wong and Dr Marlena Bartmanska
Learn more
Read about other anaesthesia and pain medicine fellowships and senior registrar opportunities.