Your joint replacement exercises
Your physiotherapist will show you different exercises to support your recovery after joint replacement surgery at Fremantle Hospital.
In the first 2 weeks
Much of your focus will be on:
- managing pain and swelling
- being safe while walking
- managing essential activities such as toileting, showering, getting a cup of tea/light meal.
Other goals include:
- doing regular physiotherapy exercises to prevent your joint from stiffening
- keeping active to prevent blood clots forming
- maintaining the strength of your other joints.
Weeks 2 to 6
After the first two weeks, you may not need to use your walking aids. While pain and swelling may still limit your activity, you will likely be able to manage more around your home and gradually increase the time on your feet.
Continuing to manage your swelling remains very important
After week 6
By this time your walking will be improving, so try to walk longer distances to build your strength and cardiovascular fitness. This can be in your house or garden or out in the community. It can be as simple as walking to the end of your road, to the local shop, around an oval or even further. Consider walking with a family member or carer until your confidence and balance improve. You can then set distance goals you want to achieve.
Give some thought to goals you’d like to achieve following your joint replacement. These can be simple things like:
- visiting your friends or neighbours
- walking around a local shopping centre
- doing some light gardening
- returning to hobbies or sports.
For many people, getting back to your favourite activities can take several months. Please talk with your physiotherapist if you’d like some help on how to set and achieve your goals.
For more information
Phone the joint replacement nurse on xxx or email the joint replacement nurse
The next step in your journey
Read about returning to everyday activities after joint replacement, or return to Your joint replacement journey