Resuming activity after joint replacement
Remember that healing after joint replacement surgery takes time and everyone progresses at a different rate.
Returning to work
Most people are ready to return to work 6 to 12 weeks after their operation. Some people can return earlier than this. Please discuss this with your surgeon or GP.
You can resume most physical activities as soon as you feel comfortable and confident, and we encourage you to be active most days. Being active helps you stay physically and mentally healthy – the more active you are, the more you benefit.
Leisure activities
Once your wound has healed, you can swim (any stroke, including breaststroke).
If you enjoy walking and cycling, exercise bikes and treadmills can be used from 6 weeks. You can return to outdoor cycling once you are more confident and comfortable.
You can return to playing golf gradually from 6 weeks.
We suggest returning to higher impact activities such as tennis from about 3 months.
Contact sports are not advised following a joint replacement.
Sexual activity
It is normal for your sex life to change initially following a joint replacement. Sexual intercourse may be resumed when you feel comfortable.
For more information
Phone the joint replacement nurse on xxx or email the joint replacement nurse
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