Your emotional recovery after birth
Whether you had a vaginal or caesarean birth, sometimes your birthing experience may be very different to what you expected or planned.
If you had a planned caesarean you may have had time to think how you felt about it. If your caesarean was unplanned, or your vaginal birth wasn’t as you expected it to be, you might have felt overwhelmed.
Whatever your birthing experience, you may find it helpful to talk about your expectations, thoughts and feelings with:
- supportive family and friends
- the midwives and doctors who shared your birth experience:
- while you are still in hospital – ask your midwife to arrange an appointment with your doctor
- after you return home through the Visiting Midwife Service.
If you prefer to speak with an independent person, your midwife can refer you for confidential consultation with our Perinatal Mental Health service. This service can help you deal with any ongoing emotional reactions after your birth, both while you are in hospital or after you go home.
Tips to improve your emotional wellbeing
While in hospital:
- dress in your own clothes
- feel free to follow your own hair and make-up routines
- phone supportive friends and family.
Once you return home, we recommended you:
- accept offers of help
- plan at least one outing or activity each day
- contact friends regularly
- join a mothers group – your child health nurse may have information and contact details
- walk with your baby to the local park or shops
- write in a journal or diary
- acknowledge your feelings.