Hand Service
The Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group Hand Service assesses and treats acute and chronic hand and arm (upper limb) conditions at both Fiona Stanley and Fremantle hospitals.
The service consists of a multidisciplinary team including doctors, nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.
Hand Therapy Clinics
Our Hand Therapy Clinics at Fiona Stanley and Fremantle hospitals provide:
- outpatient hand therapy appointments
- a hand therapy service for people with an outpatient plastic/orthopaedic clinic appointment.
The key focus of hand therapy is to address occupational performance issues following hand injury or surgery.
The clinic’s occupational therapists, physiotherapists and support staff start by assessing and evaluating a patient’s physical hand function and how their injury impacts their ability to complete daily living tasks.
Specialised hand therapy interventions are then undertaken to support the patient to reach agreed therapy goals. These can include:
- providing patients and families with information about their injury and how to manage it
- making splints (orthoses) to allow the affected finger, hand and/or arm to heal or rehabilitate
- providing patients with exercise and strengthening programs
- advising on wound, scar and compression requirements after injury or surgery. (Patients may be referred for this service for areas other than a hand or upper limb).
Videos to support hand rehabilitation
See hand rehabilitation videos to support Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group patients.
Accessing hand therapy clinic services
There are two pathways to access our services:
- Your general practitioner (GP) can refer you to our plastics, orthopaedic or emergency departments for care for your hand injury
- Your hospital doctor or physiotherapist can refer you to our service.
Inpatient clients are referred by their treating team as appropriate.
These services are free if you have a Medicare card.
If you don’t have a Medicare card or are covered by Worker’s Compensation
You will still be seen by the doctors and nurses in an outpatient clinic but will be referred to a private hand therapist, physiotherapist or occupational therapist for hand therapy.
Contact us
Fiona Stanley Hospital patients
Please phone the Fiona Stanley Hospital Helpdesk on 6152 2222 and ask for the Hand Therapy Clinic.
Fremantle Hospital patients
Please phone the Fremantle Hospital switchboard on 9431 3333 and ask for the Hand Therapy Clinic.
Hand therapy outpatient clinic locations
Fiona Stanley Hospital
Outpatient clinics 1-8, ground floor, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Robin Warren Drive, Murdoch
Please enter the hospital via the main entry off Robin Warren Drive and follow the signs to the outpatient clinic reception desk.
See the Fiona Stanley Hospital map (PDF 1MB)
Fremantle Hospital
B Block Level 4 general clinics, Fremantle Hospital, Alma Street, Fremantle
See theFremantle Hospital map (PDF 675KB)
Opening hours
Outpatient clinic hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday.