Clinical Psychology and Clinical Neuropsychology
Clinical psychology and clinical neuropsychology services across Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group treat inpatients and outpatients at both Fiona Stanley Hospital and Fremantle Hospital
Clinical Psychology
Our clinical psychologists work as part of multidisciplinary teams to provide comprehensive psychological assessments, formulation and evidence informed psychological therapies to the following groups of patients:
- inpatients presenting with significant psychological distress and mental health difficulties impacting on their engagement in medical treatment, rehabilitation and recovery.
- outpatients who require ongoing clinical psychology services on discharge from an inpatient stay or where these services are not available in the community or non-tertiary site in their local catchment area.
Clinical psychology services comprise the following
- the assessment, formulation, differential diagnosis and psychotherapeutic treatment of psychological and mental health difficulties arising as a consequence of (or exacerbated by) medical illness, disability and/or psychiatric illness
- ameliorating psychological processes that exacerbate treatment side-effects and disease burden and impact patient compliance with medical, nursing and allied health treatments and recovery
- systemic interventions for optimising working relationships between the patient, their family and the treating interprofessional care team
- facilitating timely referrals on to community based psychological and mental health care.
Clinical Neuropsychology
Our clinical neuropsychologists provide inpatient assessment, management and rehabilitation of cognitive, emotional and behavioural problems associated with various forms of brain dysfunction, including psychiatric, developmental, acquired and degenerative.
Our Clinical Neuropsychology service provides:
- diagnostic assessment and clarification, particularly in complex cases and distinguishing between organic and non-organic conditions
- assessment of cognitive capacity, pre and post-surgical assessments; pre and post pharmacotherapy initiation etc
- assessment of decision making capacity to assist with discharge planning
- provision of treatment recommendations appropriate to cognitive ability, including utilisation of behaviour management strategies
- provision of education to patients, staff and families on issues pertaining to cognition and rehabilitation.
Services at Fiona Stanley Hospital
Our team provides services to the following areas at Fiona Stanley Hospital:
- Emergency Department and diversional outpatient clinic
- General medicine and medical specialties (inpatients)
- General surgery, plastic reconstructive surgery and orthopaedics (inpatients)
- Obstetrics, Neonates and Paediatrics (inpatients and outpatients)
- Breast Clinic (outpatients)
- State Rehabilitation Services (inpatients and outpatients), including:
- Acquired Brain Injury Unit
- Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Unit
- State Neurological Rehabilitation Unit
- Amputee and Multi-diagnostic Rehabilitation
- Advanced Heart, Advanced Lung, Renal transplant psychology services (outpatients)
- Endocrinology and Diabetes (outpatients)
- Chronic Pain Service (outpatients)
- Immunology (outpatients)
- State Burns Service (inpatients and outpatients)
- Mental health services including consultation and liaison for the Youth Unit, Adult Assessment Unit and Mother Baby Unit,)
- Youth Community Assessment Treatment Team (YCATT) and Youth Hospital in the Home (YHiTH)
- Addiction Prevention and Treatment Service (outpatients).
Services at Fremantle Hospital
Our team provides services to the following areas at Fremantle Hospital:
- Aged care rehabilitation (inpatients)
- General medicine and medical specialties (inpatients)
- Respiratory (inpatients)
- Memory clinic (outpatients)
- Parkinson’s clinics (outpatients).
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More information
Contact us
Call the Department of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology on 6152 3004 between 8.00am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology patient enquiries
For Fiona Stanley Hospital patients, please phone the Fiona Stanley Hospital Helpdesk on 6152 2222 and ask for your specific ward, clinic, or therapist.
For Fremantle Hospital patients, please phone the Fremantle Hospital switchboard on 9431 3333 and ask for your specific ward, clinic, or therapist.