Breast Assessment Unit
Our comprehensive, multidisciplinary service diagnoses and treats breast cancer and breast related conditions for metropolitan and rural patients across Western Australia.
Our team aims to deliver the highest level of care in the diagnosis of breast disorders and the surgical management of breast disease.
Read about breast cancer (Healthy WA) and being breast aware (Healthy WA).
Our services
Operating from a purpose-built clinical area, our services provides:
- comprehensive assessment of any breast related condition by a breast physicians
- breast surgeon-led management and follow up care for breast cancer patients
- clinics to assess individuals at higher risk of developing breast cancer
- further investigation to BreastScreen WA (external site) patients after an initial screening mammogram detected abnormalities
- a dedicated medical imaging/radiological and associated pathology service
- referrals as appropriate to medical oncology, radiation oncology and plastic surgery teams
- support through allied health services including psychology and physiotherapy.
Read about our Medical Oncology Symptom and Urgent Review Clinic, which provides specialist support for medical oncology patients experiencing side effects during or within three months of their cancer treatment.
Understanding the breast reconstruction journey
For some of our patients, part of their experiences will include undergoing major breast surgery.
See some of our consumers describe their journey, from their first clinical consultation through to surgery, being cared for on our hospital wards, and the care provided after they have returned home.