Consent must be provided by a parent or guardian for their child/ren to receive vaccinations at school.
Most parents/guardians can register their dependants for a vaccination plan, and provide consent via a secure online consent form, which will automatically record their details in WA Health’s Vaccine Management System (VaccinateWA). If you are experiencing difficulty using or accessing the online form please email or call 9222 2486.
*If you're not able to access the online system, you can print a copy of the school-based immunisation program consent form (PDF 953KB) and return it to your child's school. Note: Details from the paper form will be entered into the VaccinateWA system so you may receive emails from VaccinateWA.
If your child attends a school on Cocos or Christmas Island or within the City of Joondalup, please use a paper form. If your dependant is a child under the care of the Department of Communities, please contact your dependant’s case worker to complete a form and return it to their school
Instructions for consenting online
Access the online consent form (external site).
Enter your child/dependant’s details.
Enter your child/dependant’s school information.
Enter your own details, as the parent/guardian of that child/dependant.
Provide consent for the relevant vaccination plan selected.
Acknowledge and sign the form.
Submit the form. An email will be sent from VaccinateWA confirming your consent.
If you need to update any details, please submit the form again.