Welcoming the medical workforce of the future to SMHS

South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) is pleased to welcome 120 new interns who have become part of our highly valued medical workforce of the future.
Also known as junior doctors, over the next 12 months the interns will gain first-hand experience of delivering health care in various specialities and areas throughout our hospitals, as they continue their intensive and highly-skilled journey to becoming a doctor.
As an essential and highly skilled part of our medical workforce, SMHS was delighted to welcome the interns from all over Australia and overseas.
One of the recent recruits, Dr Debra Lee said she is excited to hit the ground running, completing her first rotation in Nephrology at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH).
"I have been looking forward to commencing my intern year for a long time now," Dr Lee said.
"I want to contribute to improving health care in Western Australia, and what a better place to begin than in my home state!"
Born and raised in Perth, Dr Lee completed her medical degree in New South Wales (NSW) at the University of Wollongong, participating in numerous placements in regional, rural and remote Australia along the way before heading back to Perth.
However, Dr Lee is keen to enjoy the change of pace in Perth for the next 12 months.
"I appreciate the skills I have developed from being placed in various facilities across NSW; however I am looking forward to utilising more modern technology, learning from medical advancements in a tertiary setting and taking advantage of the dedicated education facilities available across SMHS," Dr Lee continued.
"Being challenged intellectually has always been a high priority for me in finding my calling, and it is a privilege to be part of a profession that values and supports the continual pursuit of knowledge."
Throughout their 12-month internship, these junior doctors will be completing five rotations across a range of specialties such as emergency, general medicine, surgical, critical care, and geriatric medicine at Fiona Stanley, Fremantle and Rockingham General hospitals, as well as at Albany Health Campus, Broome Health Campus and Northam Regional Hospital.
Congratulations to all the interns who have joined us. We look forward to supporting our newest recruits as they kick-start their medical careers at SMHS and help us to deliver excellent health care, every time.