Health conditions

Hepatitis B

  • Hepatitis B, also called 'hep B', is a virus thats causes inflammation (swelling) of the liver.
  • The hepatitis B virus is mainly passed on by blood-to-blood contact. but can also be passed on through sexual contact.
  • A vaccination against hepatitis B is available.

Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. It can be caused by viruses such as hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G, alcohol, some chemicals, or drugs. 

Hepatitis is a different virus to hepatitis A and hepatitis C.

If you have hepatitis B and are pregnant, your baby is at risk of getting hepatitis B during birth or soon after.

Most adults recover completely from hepatitis B, and cannot get it again.

Some adults and children, and most babies with hepatitis B, will go on to develop a chronic (or lifelong) infection. People with chronic hepatitis B often do not feel sick but will have the virus in their blood for years. People with chronic hepatitis B can develop serious liver diseases, including liver failure and liver cancer, 20 or more years after first getting hepatitis B. People with chronic hepatitis B can pass the virus onto other people, even if they feel well and do not have any symptoms. 

In Australia, you are very unlikely to get hepatitis B through blood transfusion or an organ transplant.

How do you get hepatitis B?

The hepatitis B virus is mainly passed on through direct contact with infected blood and blood products, but you can also get the virus from other body fluids including semen and vaginal fluids.

People with chronic hepatitis B can transmit the disease, including from mother to child.

You can get hepatitis B from:

  • vaginal, oral or anal sex with a person who has hepatitis B if you do not use a condom or dam (a thin latex square held over the vaginal or anal area during oral sex)
  • sharing needles, syringes and other drug injecting equipment with a person who has hepatitis B
  • your job if it involves possible contact with human blood or body fluids
  • body art, such as tattooing or piercing, when the equipment is not sterile
  • sharing personal items that can have traces of blood on them, such as razors, toothbrushes and dental floss.
What are the signs and symptoms?

About half of all adults and most children with hepatitis B have no symptoms at all. Some people feel well for several months before having any symptoms.

Symptoms include:

  • fever
  • extreme tiredness for weeks or months
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting
  • joint pains
  • eyes or skin turning yellow (jaundice).
How do I know I have hepatitis B?

A blood test can show you have been infected with hepatitis B in the past, and whether you are chronically infected. Other tests, such as liver function, can show if any damage has been done to the liver.

See your doctor as soon as possible if you think you may have hepatitis B.

How is hepatitis B treated?

If you are exposed to hepatitis B, you should see your doctor immediately to see if you need to be tested or vaccinated.

There is treatment available for chronic hepatitis B that can reduce the progress of liver damage and loss of liver function. People with chronic hepatitis B should be monitored regularly (every 6-12 months) by their GP for signs and symptoms of liver disease.

If you have hepatitis B

You need to work with your doctor to look after yourself. Choose a doctor you are comfortable talking to and who has a good understanding of hepatitis B.

It is important not to pass hepatitis B onto anybody else. You can do this by:

  • using condoms, water-­based lubricant and dams with new sexual partners, and with partners who are not already immune
  • covering all wounds with a waterproof bandage
  • being very careful to not expose other people to your blood or body fluids
  • not donating blood, organs or tissues
  • making sure you use always use your own new, sterile needles and syringes and sterile water. Also use your own spoon, swabs, filters, and tourniquets.

You need to minimise the risk of catching other liver infections, such as hepatitis A and hepatitis C. Ask your doctor about hepatitis A vaccination.

People with acute hepatitis B should not drink alcohol.

People with chronic hepatitis B should limit their alcohol intake in accordance with the Australian Alcohol Guideline (external site) to minimise the risk of alcohol-related liver damage.

How can hepatitis B be prevented?

There are some other simple ways to protect yourself against hepatitis B and other infections:

  • Practise safe sex. Use a condom or dam and lubricant. The risk increases with the number of sexual partners, anal sex and/or sex during a woman’s period.
  • Before considering any body art (such as tattooing or piercing) make sure the body artist uses only sterilised equipment, and new razors, inks, and needles each time.
  • Don’t share personal hygiene items, such as razors, combs, nail brushes, and toothbrushes.
  • Clean and cover any bleeding cuts and grazes immediately.
  • Wear gloves and use paper towels (or disposable cloths) when cleaning up blood spills. Wash the area with soapy water, then wipe over with household bleach. Wrap the towels and gloves in a plastic bag before putting them in the bin.

Health care workers should always use infection control procedures at work.

Is there a vaccine for hepatitis B?

Yes, the hepatitis B vaccination is safe and effective and provides the best protection against the hepatitis B infection.

Since 2000, every baby born in Australia has been eligible to receive a free hepatitis B vaccine at birth and further doses at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

Sexual partners of a person with chronic hepatitis B and people living with a person with chronic hepatitis B should be tested for hepatitis B. If not immune, they should be vaccinated.

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommendedfor adults who:

  • inject drugs
  • get a tattoo or body piercing
  • have unprotected vaginal, oral or anal sex with casual partners
  • are a sex worker
  • are a man who has sex with other men
  • have HIV or any other chronic disease that impairs your immune system
  • have a chronic liver disease (including chronic hepatitis C)
  • are on kidney dialysis or have severely impaired kidney function
  • are receiving certain blood products (e.g. people with clotting disorders who receive blood product concentrates, people with recurrent transfusion requirements)
  • are receiving a solid organ or stem cell transplant
  • attend or live in a residential care facility for people with developmental disabilities
  • are an inmate of a custodial institution (prison)
  • are a migrant from a country where hepatitis B is common
  • travel to countries where hepatitis B is common (ask your GP or travel health specialist)
  • are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person
  • work in an industry that brings you into contact with blood or other body fluids
  • are a health care worker.

Before you are vaccinated, your GP or health worker may take a blood test to see if you are already immune.

In WA, the hepatitis B vaccine is free for some high risk groups – ask your immunisation provider.

You can also refer to:

For people who inject drugs

If a person uses injecting equipment that someone with hepatitis B has used, there is a chance that they will get hepatitis B. This is because the needles, syringes, or other injecting equipment may have blood in them, even if you can’t see it. That blood can carry hepatitis B.

To stop yourself from getting hepatitis B use a freshie every time you inject drugs.

Never share needles and syringes, not even with friends or family. Also use your own spoon, swabs, filters, sterile water and tourniquets.

You can get freshies from needle and syringe programs (NSP). Use the map below to find the closest NSP to you. Most pharmacies sell fit packs, but there are lots of other places where you can get new needles and syringes for free.

People who inject drugs are also at risk of getting hepatitis C or HIV  if they share injecting equipment.

Translated information about hepatitis B

Where to get help

  • See your doctor.
  • Call Hepatitis WA Helpline (08) 9328 8538 for metropolitan callers or 1800 800 070 for country callers.
  • Call the Sexual Health Helpline (08) 9227 6178 for metropolitan callers or 1800 198 205 for country callers.
  • Ring healthdirect on 1800 022 222.
  • Call the Central Immunisation Clinic on (08) 9321 1312.
  • Contact your local Population Health Unit, community nurse or health worker.

Last reviewed: 24-02-2025

Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program, Public Health