Each year the WAEHPRB receives a significant number of inquiries from interstate and overseas applicants wishing to have their qualifications and background assessed to confirm whether they qualify to be authorised to undertake work as an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) in Western Australia.
In February 2008, the WAEHPRB published in the Government Gazette a list of qualifications (both existing and/or no longer available), possession of which has automatically ensured accreditation of individual applicants in the past. Refer to the State Law Publisher website for a copy of the Qualifications Acceptable to be an Environmental Health Officer (external site) published in Government Gazette 13 June 2017.
Application for recognition of overseas qualification to practice as an environmental health officer in Western Australia (PDF 256KB),
download the PDF or contact the Secretary for a word document.
The application should include the following:
- completion of the WAEHPRB application form for approval to work as an Authorised Officer (Environmental Health Officer) in Western Australia
- full details of the Environmental Health qualification(s) held, including Institution attended, title of award and length of course. A copy of the degree certificate, transcript of the marks obtained and details of the curriculum/syllabus followed
- full details of practical training undertaken during or after the course, including where and when undertaken, a reference from the training organisation outlining an applicant’s role, details of the subject areas covered and activities performed
- full details of professional experience obtained since qualification, including where and when this experience was obtained and duties and responsibilities
- details of other academic awards and qualifications held, with evidence in the form of the certificate, and if relevant a copy of the curriculum/syllabus followed and a transcript of the marks obtained
- details of current employment, including duties and responsibilities
- details of membership of any relevant professional body/organisation
- submission of a non-refundable application fee.
A current CV or professional resume may also be submitted to support your application.
The fee payable is non-refundable regardless if your application is successful or not.
Applicants in possession of any of the qualifications listed are automatically recognised in WA and are invited to apply for positions with local government utilising this website as confirmation of validity.
Although the list remains valid, the WAEHPRB has recently agreed to endorse additional arrangements, accepting that examination of an applicant’s background, taking into account a number of factors, is appropriate under some circumstances.
Applicants possessing significant experience at a senior level in another State or country should not be precluded from applying for authorisation to obtain work in WA when in possession of an outdated or academically upgraded qualification.
Applicants presenting submissions to the WAEHPRB will be assessed on the concept that examination of an applicant’s submissions in-toto is more appropriate than an assessment focussed solely around academic achievements.
The recognised Professional Body, Environmental Health Australia (EHA) also amends its website to reflect courses that have been assessed and accredited at the national level. WAEHPRB has a long established relationship with EHA and the WAEHPRB participates in the EHA’s accreditation process. This ensures that courses accredited by EHA nationally are accepted Australia-wide, including WA. Refer to the EHA website (external site) for details.
Applicants not possessing any of the displayed qualifications should approach the WAEHOPRB for further information. Applicants will be requested to provide a recent CV, copies of qualifications, and references from previous employers clearly setting out the nature of duties undertaken.
WAEHPRB has developed an ‘Application for Recognition of Environmental Health qualifications obtained overseas’ form which outlines all details required for an assessment. A non-refundable application fee is applicable. These applications should be forwarded to the WAEHOPRB Secretary/Treasurer Vic Andrich, as set out below.
WA EHO Professional Review Board
Department of Health – Environmental Health Directorate
PO Box 8172
Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Please note that under some circumstances, assessments can take several months to complete. In general, the more comprehensive the submission, the quicker assessment can be completed.